Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Chapter 10

1. Read Bush v. Gore in the text.  Do you agree with the majority or the dissenting opinion? 

I agree with the majority that Florida's method for recounting violated equal protection of the law.

2. Is the ability to fundraise too important in elections?  In other words, are good candidates prevented from running because they cannot raise the needed funds?  Can/should something be done to correct this if it is a problem?

Yes I do believe that fundraising is too important in elections.  I’m sure there are many great politicians out there that can’t run because they do not have the funds to do so.

3. Why is there such voter apathy - in other words, why is there often such low voter turnout for elections?  Is there a way to rectify this problem?

A lot of people don’t vote because either they don’t have the time or they hate politics in general.  I know I myself don’t vote just because politics make me sick.  Most of the time all politics is is a popularity contest with the snake always being the winner.


  1. I agree with your view on fundraising. It is too important.

  2. Politics don't make me sick, they're just mind-numbingly awful to listen to.
