Saturday, October 1, 2011

Chapter 5

1.      The issue of race:  does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of racial discrimination?  Why or how so?
I believe overall that the government does the best job it can of racial discrimination.  The government is really in a pickle when it comes to race because some people take things out of proportion when race is involved.  Just like with anything, the government can’t make everyone happy.
2.      The issue of gender:  does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of racial discrimination?  Why or how so?
I believe the government has the right idea when it comes to gender but the workplace has it all wrong.  Women to this day are still being treated unfairly and underpaid compared to males because of their gender, which is wrong.  One should get paid the same whether male or female.
3.      The issue of sexual orientation:  does the government do too little or too much to reduce the instances of racial discrimination?  Why or how so?
I don’t really think the government has any say in this matter.  When it comes to sexual orientation I think you should let people do what they want.  If the government starts telling people they can’t be themselves, then that is going to cause chaos that America doesn’t need, especially right now.  Who cares if not everybody agrees with the LGBT community, let them do their thing and they won’t bother you.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it weird how all of this just seems like common sense, but somehow they're still serious issues?
