Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter 11

1. Who are your Senators and your Congressman?
We have two Senators:
Bob Corker Class I (R)
Lamar Alexander Class II (R). 
We have 9 Congressman:
Phil Roe (R) Dist. 1
John Duncan (R) Dist. 2
Chuck Fleschmann (R) Dist3
Scott DesJarlais (R) Dist. 4
Jim Cooper (D) Dist. 5
Diane Black (R) Dist. 6
Marsha Blackburn (R) Dist. 7
Stephen Fincher (R) Dist. 8
Steve Cohen (D) Dist. 9

2. Research the areas they champion and find one you support.  What is it and why do you support it?
 I researched Lamar Alexander and his attempt to get a bill on the Presidents that would fix the No Child Left Behind Act. Alexander offered an amendment allowing states to establish an alternative, state-determined strategy to improve the bottom 5 percent of their schools, with approval by the U.S. Secretary of Education. The amendment was accepted by a vote of 15-7. This is great because education is key for our country’s success.

3. Find an issue that one of your Senators or Congressman Champions that you disagree with.  Why do you disagree? 
I had trouble finding anything that I disagreed with.  All of their ideas, like Lamar Alexander’s with NCLB, look to better our country.

1 comment:

  1. I had trouble finding legislation I disagreed with also. But did you notice some of the really petty things some of these Congress men and woman were sponsoring?
