Friday, September 16, 2011

Chapter 3

1.       Is a strong national government necessary or should the state governments have an equal share of power? 
In my opinion, I think our national government should have more power. If the states had equal or more power than the national government, our country would be fighting itself. Things such as armies and overall power need to be conducted on a national level.

2.       National power increased during the Great Depression but then power began to shift back to the states (somewhat) during the Reagan administration?  Why did that happen and is that shift appropriate?
The power shifted back to the states during the Reagan administration because Reagan fully supported The New Federalism idea. Reagan wanted to greatly reduce the power of the government because he thought that was where the United States problems were.

3.       Education stirs much discussion relating to the issue of federalism.  Should the national government regulate education or is it a matter best left to state and local governments?  Why
I believe the national government should have a role in education to some degree.  If there was one set “standard” for every state to follow, I feel like that would be fairer.  It seems like some states are much further behind than others in education because some states just don’t find it necessary to fund education the way it should be funded.


  1. I too think the national government needs to create some type of standards for education to all 50 states. If the state wants the money the should be held accountable!

  2. I do think that states should have a lot of power but like you said, if they have too much than they will all just be fighting each other. I think that would then leave us weak and vunlerable to others.
